Monday, March 24, 2025

Blueberry And Cream Cheese Muffin

I found this delectable muffin recipe from HidaMari channel on You tube which I would live to try out and true enough it turned out delicious and suit my taste.

I substitute raw sugar with Lakanto so that I can without guilt. I used frozen blueberries - leftovers from making blueberry ice cream. And with tips gathered it is to coat the blueberries with flour before adding to the batter so that they won't sink to the bottom nor burst while baking. They muffin will turn bluish green on the spot where the blueberries are. Observing these tips my muffins looks great, no blueberries sank to the bottom and no bluish green spots.

I made only four pieces with half her recipe. The next bake I will make a full load. It is delicious with the cream cheese in the muffin. 

our delicious tea snack with hot coffee


100 gm unsalted butter
100gm sugar- reduced to 70gm Lakanto 
2 eggs
200gm cake flour
6  gm baking powder
50 gm yogurt
50 ml heavy cream

50gm blueberries - coat with flour
100 gm cream cheese- cut into cubes

Cream butter and sugar tog till fluffy, add eggs.  Fold in gently the cake flour with baking powder, once the flour mixture is in, fold in in yogurt and heavy cream last. 

Scoop batter into muffin cups half, add in cream cheese cubes and blueberries, fill up with another scoop of batter add on top with blueberries and cream cheese. 

Repeat until all batter are used up.

Bake at 180c for 40 minutes

Check out her video 

 Click   Link


Thursday, March 20, 2025

No Sugar No Flour Nuts and Rolled Oats Cookies

Early morning bakes. I managed to bake a load of No sugar No flour Nuts and Oats cookies for myself this morning. My favourite run to cookies when hunger pang strikes. Eat with no guilt. Made up of almond flour, dessicated coconut , walnuts, almonds, salt, vanilla extract, grated nutmeg, melted butter and egg.

Easy to whip up kind of healthy cookies

two types of nuts..almond and walnuts

It is easier to shape them into small balls if you wet your hands before shaping them

I love all the ingredients used in this recipe. 

100gm Almond Flour
70 gm Rolled Oats
70gm walnuts - chopped
70gm almond nibs
1/4 cup dessicated coconut 
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2tsp cinnamon or nutmeg powder
1tbsp vanilla extract
70gm unsalted butter - melted
1 large egg - beaten

Mix ingredients (A) together till well combined.  Leave aside.
Whisk ingredients (B) together till well combined. Add (B) to (A)  slowly till a soft mixture is formed and combined into the soft cookie dough. 
Using wet hand, make round balls, (33) pieces) the size of a fifty cent coin. Gently press down .Place on parchment paper liner on a baking tray. Bake at 175c for 17 mins or till light golden colour and cooked thru.
Once cooled down, store in air tight container.

Note: baking time depends on individual oven. Mine I added another 5 mins.



Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Kimchi Revised Version

I have recently recreated a new recepi for my homemade kimchi to suit my now diet. I have omitted fermented shrimp (cincalok) and instead of rice paste I use blended pear/apple to help ferment the kimchi. They turned out too.
Recently I also discovered that I can use kimchi to marinated boiled Hotate ( Japanese Scallop) and serve as banchan or side dish.
The photo below shows the Marinated Hotate with Kimchi that I made recently.

Ingredients used for making my revised version of  Kimchi

Napa cabbage 
Spring onion 
Korean Chilli flakes/ gochugaru
Garlic paste 
Onion paste 
Blended Pear/Apple
Fish Sauce


Friday, March 14, 2025

Stir Fry Tempe With Garlic , Chilli and Curry Leaf

Plant-based snack. Tempe is a very healthy plant based protein food. Rich in fiber and plant protein, chewy texture and takes on any flavour it is cooked in. 

My healthy snack.

First I lightly fried the temperature. Then once it is golden brown, I add in lots of chopped garlic, chilli, curry leaves and stir fry till well combine and the garlic are well coated on the Tempe. Add in the mint leaves for extra flavour.

 Tempe- extracted from wikipedia 

"Tempe or tempeh is a traditional Indonesian food made from fermented soybeans. It is made by a natural culturing and controlled fermentation process that binds soybeans into a cake form. A fungus, Rhizopus oligosporus or Rhizopus oryzae, is used in the fermentation process and is also known as tempeh starter"


Thursday, March 13, 2025

CherryTomato , Feta Cheese and Egg 'Pizza'

Cherry Tomato ,Feta Cheese and Egg Pizza 😆 topped with my homemade tomato sauce. So good! Great for breakfast or light meal. Easy to whip up and delicious too.


2 beaten eggs - seasoned with salt & pepper 
10 cherry Tomatoes - cut into halves
Feta Cheese
Coriander - chopped 
1tbsp of butter

For Topping 
Homemade Tomato sauce - click link for recipe

Add in one tbsp of butter into non stick pan. Heat up pan , once butter has melted add in the  cut cherry tomatoes and saute for a minute.
Add in the beaten eggs and lower heat. Once the egg has set. Add in chopped coriander and feta cheese. 
The Cherry Tomato, Feta Cheese and Egg Pizza is ready. And before serving add homemade tomato sauce for topping.


Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Homemade Chilli Sauce

We ran out of homemade chilli sauce so yesterday we went out and get fresh red chillies from Lotus. 

Soaked the chillies in baking soda and vinegar to get rid of pesticides. Drain them dry.

Today, they were ready for for the blender. Blitz the red chilli together with shallots and oil. Ratio - 1:1:1/2 - red chilli: shallots: cooking oil. Can keep up to 3 mths in the fridge.  I added chilli padi for extra heat 😜

Cook the chilli mixture over low heat. Keep stirring every one min for an hour. Once the chilli sauce is ready, add salt and sugar ( I replaced sugar with Lakanto ) to taste.

Great for dim sum items like siumai, wonton, fried Beancurdskin rolls, fishballs and noodles. So good! Before serving as dip, you can add chopped coriander to the chilli sauce for extra flavour.


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